Manufacturer Information

GB/T 27922-2011 Allicdata

GB/T 27922-2011 Introduction to the Evaluation System of Commodity After-sale Service

After-sales service consulting certification is the first national, industry-wide service consulting certification approved by our country. The improvement of the level of after-sales service of commodities is an inevitable requirement for the sustainable development of enterprises.

GB/T 27922-2011 This standard specifies the basic elements that constitute a commodity after-sales service system, including principles, indicators and methods. The score is used to measure the level of service capability, and it is displayed in the form of star rating.

The significance of consulting and certification of product after-sales service evaluation system:

1. Establish a more complete and effective product after-sales service management system to enhance the enterprise's after-sales service level and awareness;

2. Enhance the competitiveness in the domestic and international markets, and provide an important guarantee for the realization of the organization's brand strategy;

3. Promote sales performance, enhance customer purchasing confidence, and win more market opportunities;


Allicdata is one of the fastest growing electronic component distributors in the world. Our products cover 750 manufacturers, all sources have been authorized.

Our company is one of the leading distributors of electronic components. We sell ICs (integrated circuits), LED, capacitors, connectors, etc., including commercial, industrial and military grades. The main brands are: MAXIM, LINEAR, SIEMENS, ALTERA, LT, AD, TI, BB, MSC, MOT, MIC, IDT, CYPRESS, ELANTEC, LATTICE, XILINX, M/A COM, DALLAS, etc.

Since its establishment in 2003, Allicdata has been committed to providing off-the-shelf electronic components for customers all over the world, with same-day or immediate delivery. Our products include semiconductors, passive devices, electromechanical components, etc. Today, our customers can search for all information about the product on our online store All products have been classified into different categories so that you can search quickly and easily. You can view detailed information such as data sheets, descriptions, pictures, prices, etc.

After 17 years of development, Allicdata continues to increase our product line. All electronic components of the circuit board can be used here.

Our company's strong supply system and expertise in this field enable us not only to provide customers with purchased products, but also to provide manufacturers and OEMs with a complete set of electronic accessories.

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