AC160135-1-KIT Allicdata Electronics
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Price: $ 0.00
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Manufacturer: Digi-Key Kit
Short Description: KIT
More Detail: Kit 47 Pieces (Assorted Per Value) Surface Mount, ...
DataSheet: AC160135-1-KIT datasheetAC160135-1-KIT Datasheet/PDF
Quantity: 1000
1 +: 0.00000
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$ 0
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Packaging: Bulk 
Part Status: Discontinued at Digi-Key
Kit Type: --
Quantity: 47 Pieces (Assorted Per Value)
Mounting Type: Surface Mount, Through Hole

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AC160135-1-KIT is a type of audio kits that has many different application fields and working principles. The general purpose of this kit is to provide systems, which can be used to create and control sound.This type of kit usually consists of a microphone, amplifier, mixer, interface, headphones, and other related components, and is designed to be a comprehensive range of audio kits. The kit can be used to apply different types of audio signals, such as instrumental effects, bass sounds, vocals, etc..

Application Fields

The application field for AC160135-1-KIT is quite wide. It can be used for studio recordings, live performances, and audio editing. The kit is also suitable for applications such as broadcast production and sound recording.For studio applications, the kit is ideal for recording music using a microphone, processing the signal with an amplifier and mixer, and producing the music using headphones and loudspeakers. The kit also has a variety of audio processing effects, which can be used to give the audio a more professional sound.In live performance, AC160135-1-KIT can be used to make the sound much louder and bring it to the audience without having to amplify the signal through a PA system. The kit also enables musicians to add various effects to their performance, such as reverb, chorus, delay, and so on.For audio editing, the kit provides a range of editing features. It can be used to make small changes to the sound, such as removing hiss or adding compression, or larger changes such as adding effects or EQ adjustments.

Working Principle

The working principle of AC160135-1-KIT is based on the process known as electrical audio signal processing. This involves the transmission, storage, manipulation, and reproduction of sound via electrical signals.The kit consists of the components required to receive, store, manipulate, and reproduce audio signals. The components in the kit include a microphone, an amplifier, a mixer, an interface, headphones and other related components, such as cables and adapters.The signal used in the kit is typically a low-level analog signal. This signal is passed through the microphone, which converts it into an electrical signal. The signal is then passed through the amplifier to increase the energy of the signal to a level which can be used to drive the speakers. Once the signal is increased, it is then passed through the mixer, which adjusts the levels of various components of the signal. Finally, the processed signal is passed through the interface, which enables it to be output to the headphones or speakers.


AC160135-1-KIT is an ideal choice for those looking for a comprehensive range of audio kits. The kit is suitable for a wide range of applications, from studio recordings to live performances. The kit also includes a comprehensive range of components, which allow for a great degree of signal processing. The working principle of the kit is based on the process of electrical audio signal processing, which allows signals to be transmitted, stored, manipulated, and reproduced through electrical signals.

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