How to detect a flashing light emitting diode(BTS)?

Last Update Time: 2018-12-25 11:45:47

(1) when determining the positive and negative electrodes, the multimeter is placed in the RX10kΩ block, and the two pottery of the two contact scintillation light emitting diode is exchanged, and the pointer swings the angle to the right first, and then the jitter is started on this bit. This phenomenon is because the integrated circuit inside the scintillation light emitting diode starts to work with the voltage of the 15V battery inside the multimeter. The output pulse current makes the pointer jitter and the diode scintillation can be seen. At this time the black pen is connected to the positive pole. The pin of the red pen is negative. It can also be directly connected to the 3~6V power supply without multimeter, and the positive electrode of the battery is lit by the positive electrode of the diode when it shines. During the above test, if there is no sparkle, the flickering luminous cathode is damaged.


(2) Check the flicker and frequency,to put the multimeter on the RX10kΩ, the black pen glitter the positive pole of the light emitting diode, and then the red surface brush is connected to the negative pole, and the tube should flicker normally at this time.

Using an electronic watch to count time, according to the oscillating frequency of the multimeter pointer, we can get the net frequency of set the pointer of the multimeter in time, and move N.

The scintillation frequency of the scintillation light emitting diode is: in the f=N/T type, f is the scintillation frequency, and the unit Hz:N is the wobble number of the multimeter pointer: T is the time and the unit is s.

When testing, it can also directly use 3~6V power without multimeter, observe the flicker times in T time, and estimate the frequency efficiency according to the upper form.