What's the price of XCR3128XL-7VQG100C IC CPLD 128MC 7NS 100VQFP XILINX INC.?

On 2019-01-03 11:43:42 in Question

What's the price of XCR3128XL-7VQG100C IC CPLD 128MC 7NS 100VQFP XILINX INC.?

Here is some information about how to purchase XCR3128XL-7VQG100C IC CPLD 128MC 7NS 100VQFP XILINX INC., if you are interested, you can enter our website or contact us. ...

What's the price of XC95144XL-7TQG144C IC CPLD 144MC 7.5NS 144TQFP Xilinx Inc.?

On 2019-01-03 11:38:47 in Question

What's the price of XC95144XL-7TQG144C IC CPLD 144MC 7.5NS 144TQFP Xilinx Inc.?

Here is some information about how to purchase XC95144XL-7TQG144C IC CPLD 144MC 7.5NS 144TQFP Xilinx Inc., if you are interested, you can enter our website or contact us. ...

What's the price of XC95144XL-7TQG100I IC CPLD 144MC 7.5NS 100TQFP Xilinx Inc.?

On 2019-01-03 11:30:34 in Question

What's the price of XC95144XL-7TQG100I IC CPLD 144MC 7.5NS 100TQFP Xilinx Inc.?

Here is some information about how to purchase XC95144XL-7TQG100I IC CPLD 144MC 7.5NS 100TQFP Xilinx Inc., if you are interested, you can enter our website or contact us. ...

What's the price of XCR3128XL-10VQG100I IC CPLD 128MC 9.1NS 100VQFP Xilinx Inc.?

On 2019-01-03 11:25:55 in Question

What's the price of XCR3128XL-10VQG100I IC CPLD 128MC 9.1NS 100VQFP Xilinx Inc.?

Here is some information about how to purchase XCR3128XL-10VQG100I IC CPLD 128MC 9.1NS 100VQFP Xilinx Inc., if you are interested, you can enter our website or contact us. ...

What the price of XC95144XL-10TQG144I IC CPLD 144MC 10NS 144TQFP Xilinx Inc.?

On 2019-01-03 11:22:01 in Question

 What the price of XC95144XL-10TQG144I IC CPLD 144MC 10NS 144TQFP Xilinx Inc.?

Here is some information about how to purchase XC95144XL-10TQG144I IC CPLD 144MC 10NS 144TQFP Xilinx Inc., if you are interested, you can enter our website or contact us. ...