What are the Electronic configuration and Spectral characteristics of luminescent elements in thin crystals?

On 2019-01-12 14:50:34 in Knownlege

What are the Electronic configuration and Spectral characteristics of luminescent elements in thin crystals?

This article describes the Electronic configuration and Spectral characteristics of luminescent elements in thin crystals ...

What is the defferent between variable capacitor and trimming capacitor?

On 2019-01-12 14:22:19 in Capacitors

What is the defferent between variable capacitor and trimming capacitor?

This article describes the defferent between variable capacitor and trimming capacitor ...

What is the principle of patch miniature FM radio?

On 2019-01-12 13:42:13 in Knownlege

What is the principle of patch miniature FM radio?

This article briefly introduces the principle of patch miniature FM radio. ...

What should you know before solder?

On 2019-01-12 13:20:48 in Knownlege

What should you know before solder?

This article describes some konwnledge that you should know before solder. ...

Three common inductor feature

On 2019-01-12 12:03:11 in Inductor

Three common inductor feature

This article describes three common inductor feature ...