LVSL2NPWH Allicdata Electronics

LVSL2NPWH Industrial Controls

Allicdata Part #:


Manufacturer Part#:


Price: $ 0.00
Product Category:

Industrial Controls

Manufacturer: Thomas Research Products
Short Description: SWITCH LATCHING 2 WHITE
More Detail: N/A
DataSheet: LVSL2NPWH datasheetLVSL2NPWH Datasheet/PDF
Quantity: 1000
Lead Free Status / RoHS Status: Contains lead / RoHS non-compliant
Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL): 1 (Unlimited)
1 +: 0.00000
Stock 1000Can Ship Immediately
$ 0
Series: *
Part Status: Obsolete
Lead Free Status / RoHS Status: --
Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL): --

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Lighting is an important factor in controlling the overall ambience in a space. It is also used to create special effects, increase visual appeal, and even improve safety. One of the most popular approaches to lighting control is the use of specialized accessories, such as the LVSL2NPWH.

This product, manufactured by DMX International, produces a low voltage signal with a low power consumption of only 5 Watts. It is designed to be used in a variety of lighting applications, including landscape lighting, dimming systems, and energy-saving lighting systems.

The LVSL2NPWH is an integrated circuit board that has been designed to provide quality lighting control within a variety of application areas. This device has a wide range of features that make it ideal for controlling lighting without the need for additional wiring and connections.

The LVSL2NPWH can be used for both 12 and 24 VDC lighting applications. It is compatible with most major dimmers, fluorescent ballasts, LED drivers, and other lighting accessories. The device is built with safety in mind and provides a low voltage and high power control option.

The LVSL2NPWH utilizes a unique Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) technique to control the intensity of the lighting. This method of control allows for precise adjustments to be made to the light level without losing any of the quality of the light.

In addition to the PWM technique, the LVSL2NPWH can also be used with an analog signal. Analog signals are useful for applications where precise light level adjustment needs to be made. By utilizing an analog signal, the device can be used to control any type of dimmer or lighting equipment.

The LVSL2NPWH is also capable of providing dimming control with both a 0-10V input as well as a 2-wire input. This feature allows the device to work with various lighting fixtures and control devices without the need to modify the existing wiring.

The LVSL2NPWH also supports a number of optional features. For example, the device can be used with a timer to control lighting fixtures on a schedule. In addition, the device can be used to dim specific areas of a room without dimming the entire space.

The LVSL2NPWH is a versatile device that is easy to install and use. In addition to its features, the device is very cost-effective and is a great choice for any lighting control application.

The specific data is subject to PDF, and the above content is for reference

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